Beseder Gallery

Date: 21.-28.3.2024

The final exhibition of the Days of Israel at Beseder Gallery combines two projects in one room.

- Israel Thanks the Czech Republic

- Journey to the Castle

Israel Thanks is an exhibition of Israeli design students who use posters to express their gratitude to the Czech Republic for its friendship and support of Israel. Curated by Adi Agar.

Journey to the Castle is an exhibition of photographs on the first anniversary of the inauguration of the President of the Czech Republic, Peter Paul. The author is photographer Jan Hodač, who recorded the course and peak of the election campaign and his symbolic journey to the castle. The curator of the exhibition is Pavel Št'astný.

The Days of Israel mini-festival at Beseder Gallery is held under the auspices of the Embassy of the State of Israel in the Czech Republic.

Opening - 21.3 at 18.00.

Free admission.