Beseder Gallery

Date: 8.2.2025 od 15:00 hodin

Commented tour of the AlefBet exhibition (Tenno Sooster and Sergey Bunkov) | Festival DAYS OF ISRAEL

On Saturday, February 8th, from 3:00 PM until evening, Israeli artists Tenno Sooster and Sergey Bunkov will be at the Beseder Gallery to discuss how they successfully combined the past and future in their etchings. They will talk about the technique of classical engraving and augmented reality (AR), and engage in a wide-ranging conversation, answering various questions.

The artists brought to Prague their exhibition AlefBet, which consists of 22 etchings (one for each letter of the ancient Hebrew alphabet). After six years of work, this exhibition has already garnered great success in Israel and Portugal, and now continues its journey across Europe. Come and hear the fascinating stories behind the works directly from their creators.

Don’t forget to download the Artivive app to your smartphone to bring these stunning etchings to life!

Feel free to come alone or bring your family—animation, augmented reality, and live images are sure to captivate children. Who knows, the children may ask some unexpected and interesting questions, and the artists are ready to answer them!

The event will be held in English, Russian, Hebrew and Czech.